One man's ongoing effort to make sense of the world.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

What We Need - foreign affairs

Smash the terrorists. Whatever it takes. Not just the ones that are currently attacking us. All of them. Because they'll all get around to us sooner or later.
Terrorism is a method of fighting, but it is the preferred method of those who hate democracy.

Unilateralism is not a sin. It's just what happens when only one nation is willing to follow through. (Pleasing people who may not be thinking clearly, or who may not even have our best interests at heart, has no place on our list of priorities. And we don't have to apologize to anyone for doing what must be done.)

Support democracy and freedom abroad. That includes Israel. DOn't accept the argument that some countries aren't ready for democracy. We can't afford to wait until they're ready. Non-democratic countries make the world a dangerous place. This is the lesson of 9-11. Shove democracy down their throats if need be.

Territories, yes. Colonies, no. The difference is, we intend to at least try to set territories loose, eventually.

Don't let anyone sponge off us forever. Not even a territory. There should be a time limit.
(This means you, Puerto Rico. Statehood or independence. One or the other.)

Oppose tyranny abroad. No "realpolitik." Thugs is thugs.

Defend our borders. It's that simple.

Immigration with standards. Give us you tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. But terrorists and other lowlifes, keep the hell out.

Communist China is not our friend, and is not going to make us rich. It's a brutal, repressive regime with expansionist aims. And nukes.

The Cold War being over is over. Forget the peace dividend. The government already spent it.
Forget living without fear. The world hasn't changed all that much. Oh, and did I mention China's got nukes?

Mutual Assured Destruction does not make for a good night's sleep, but it's worked in the past. When a better idea comes along, I'll be ecstatic. Corollary: support missile defense programs in any form. They're all worth a shot.

No appeasement. It never worked, and it never will. No pacifism. Pacifism is just appeasement with pretensions of moral superiority.

If we must fight a war, and we frequently must, fight in a such a way as to win. No compromises with sentimentality or politics. Our enemies certainly won't make any. That, by the way, is one of the lessons of Vietnam.

We need to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil. Hydrogen, hydroelectric, nuke, ANWR, wind farms, whatever it takes. (Except maybe unsafe little cars. It's not worth civilians dying for.) In the meantime, the western world developed those oil reserves in the Arab world.
We have a legitimate claim to them by virtue of sweat equity. Let's keep the option open of enforcing that claim.

We don't have to try to respect other cultures if they don't rate respect.

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