Where I Stand: others
If you value rights, you'll fight for those rights.
If you only fight for your own rights, and don't care about other peoples' rights, you're not really fighting for rights. You're fighting for self interest.
Rights cut both ways.
Patience is not inherently a virtue, and anybody who says it is should be regarded with suspicion. Patience has its place, however. Just don't overdo it.
Personal loyalty is prized by criminals. Decent people are loyal only to principle.
Beware the conspiracy of silence. Only crooks say that it's bad to be a snitch.
Never rat out a friend. If a friend needs ratting out, first let him know that you're not friends with him anymore. Then rat him out.
With regard to friends, quality over quantity.
Not everyone is worth the trouble of trying to please.
If you need to go along to get along with people, those people will turn out not to be worth having gotten along with.
Lying is a hostile action. It's something you do to confuse an enemy.
"White lies" generally end badly. Better to tell the ugly truth and get it over with.
In anger is truth. When people are angry, they haven't the presence of mind to misrepresent themselves convincingly.
You can't please everyone, so don't waste effort trying.
Laugh at what is silly. Leave the nonsilly for fools to laugh at.
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"Beware the conspiracy of silence. Only crooks say that it's bad to be a snitch."
So I guess you had no problem with Soviet-era informants. Figures.
11:00 PM
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